where to month graphic

December is "Where To Month" at Goshen Local Schools, designed to help our students better understand and explore various future career avenues. 

Throughout the month, each grade level will participate in unique activities tailored to help them connect what they are studying in school to their future aspirations.

One of the exciting highlights of "Where To Month" is the arrival of a new friend, Findlay! Findlay will be joining our students at Marr-Cook Elementary.  Students will be guided by their new friend to explore various career possibilities. 

Other "Where To" activities include:

  • Spaulding Elementary students will have their own furry friend, Paws the dog, joining them in December. Paws, an online career guide, will lead our students as they explore "Jobsland," gaining valuable insights into various professions.

  • Goshen Middle School students will have the opportunity to showcase their entrepreneurial spirit in a Shark Tank-style competition.

  • The Clermont County Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a speed mentoring event for Goshen High School juniors class, connecting them with local professionals who can share insights and guidance about different career paths.

  • GHS will also hold a skilled trades assembly during the school day and a college awareness night, helping students make more informed decisions about their academic and professional futures.

"Where To Month" in December is an integral part of the Goshen Local Schools Portrait of a Graduate initiative. It aligns with our commitment to creating a comprehensive PK-12 career road map that empowers students to envision and work toward their dream careers.