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The Marr/Cook Elementary preschool program was recently awarded the highest rating offered by the state of Ohio.

The preschool program earned five stars in Ohio’s Step Up to Quality rating system. This program was designed to recognize and promote early learning and development programs that meet quality standards over and above health and safety licensing requirements.

All early childhood education and preschool special education programs funded by Ohio are required to achieve a rating of 3, 4 or 5 to maintain state funding.

Preschool Director Zach Larson said he credits Goshen’s dedicated preschool teachers for the high rating.

“Our amazing teachers were at the heart of this rating,” Larson said. “We know that our program is top notch, and this just solidifies that.”

Criteria for five-star ratings include a robust curriculum, advanced degrees for teachers and program administrators, a commitment to family engagement plan and other requirements. Read the criteria here.