English As a Second Language (ESL)

Purpose of ESL program
English as a Second Language (ESL) services are designed to help English Language Learners (ELL) to attain English language proficiency as quickly as possible so that he or she can participate effectively in classrooms in which English is the language of instruction. English Language Learners in ESL programs will also learn to navigate the cultural and social expectations of the educational system in the United States of America. The goals of the ESL
program are:

  • To identify all students in the district whose home or native language is not English

  • To assess any potential ELL student in listening, speaking, reading, and writing to determine the need for ESL services to effectively participate in the district’s educational program

  • To provide effective instruction through ESL services so that the student is able to fully participate in the district’s educational program

The goals for each student receiving ESL services as put forth in the State ELP Standard (English Language Proficiency Standards – ELPA):

  • To use English to communicate in social settings

  • To use English to achieve academically in all content areas

  • To use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways

Awareness and acceptance of culturally diverse students will be encouraged in the program. The ESL staff will acknowledge the value of the students’ primary cultural heritage while helping students develop an awareness of their new North American culture. School teaching staff that comes in contact with ELL students will be offered suggestions for instruction as well as consultation regarding students’ background and cultural experiences. The ESL staff will act as a liaison between ELL parents and the school by supporting and encouraging them to become involved in the school community.

Parent Resources

Goshen Local Schools is pleased to offer interpreting services for families that need assistance with anything from enrollment procedures to parent-teacher conferences.  Including interpreting services through Affordable Language Services for English as a Second Language families.

Initial Identification

For initial identification purposes, Goshen uses the state of Ohio OELPS Ohio English Language Proficiency Screener. This is a language proficiency assessment and is available for students in grades PreK-12. These tests evaluate students’ oral language, reading, and writing proficiency.

Ongoing Assessment: The Ohio English Language Proficiency Assessment

If a student qualifies for ESL services, they are required by law to take a yearly, state-mandated test. This test shows growth from one year to the next. Ohio is a member of the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21) consortium which developed the English language proficiency assessment based on the English Language Proficiency Standards. Administered in the early spring, this test measures students' English language skills in 4 areas: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Students will receive scores in each domain on a scale of 1-5. 

OELPA scores are a determining factor in deciding when a student will exit the ESL program.

Length of Services

The amount of time an ELL remains in the ESL program differs for each student. ELL’s develop language proficiency at varying rates. Research indicates it can take from 5 to 7 years to acquire academic language proficiency at the same level as a native speaker. Therefore, the amount of ESL support given will differ with each student. The typical path of an ELL is from full support to minimal support, to monitoring by the ESL teacher before the student is exited from the program.

Criteria for Exiting ESL Program

A student is reclassified (no longer identified as an English learner) when the student has attained a performance level of Proficient on the OELPA. The Proficient performance level is defined as performance levels of 4s and 5s in any combination across all four tests (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking).

Example, Listening = 4, Reading = 4, Writing = 5, Speaking = 4. A student who has an invalidated test or did not test in one or more domains/tests cannot receive a Proficient level even if the other three tests have all 4s and 5s; the student will receive the Progressing level. Students in grades K-12 are eligible for reclassification if the student receives a performance level of Proficient. Please note that K-2 students are eligible to exit the EL program if they receive a performance level of Proficient.

The ELL needs to demonstrate the ability to understand, speak, read and write the English language at a level in which they are able to:

  1. Achieve academic success in classrooms where the language of instruction is in English

  2. Meaningfully participate fully in society in the United States

  3. At the same time they must be passing all subjects in the regular classroom. Those students who are having difficulty in the classroom or difficulty passing state-mandated tests will continue to receive ESL support as long as necessary.