Curriculum & Instruction
The Goshen Local Schools Curriculum and Instruction Department has three main goals:
Commitment to Academic Achievement: Success on the Local Report Card and other accountability measures
Career and College Readiness: Learning opportunities that prepare students to graduate college and career ready
Professional Learning Community: Maintain a student-centered professional learning community
Some of our department responsibilities include:
Professional development for staff
Instructional leadership
Gifted and Talented Identification
English as a Second Language
Textbook and materials review
Analysis of district, school and student data
Federal Grants Management
Selection and purchasing of textbooks and educational materials
Revision of course of study

Gifted Education
"Gifted” is defined as students who perform or show potential for performing at remarkably high levels of accomplishment when compared to others of their age, experience, or environment and who are identified under Section 3324.01- 07 of the Ohio Revised Code.
Ohio’s standards for identifying and servicing gifted students require that all school districts screen and identify gifted students in kindergarten through grade twelve who meet specific Ohio Department of Education criteria.
Ohio law requires the identification of gifted students but it does not require for school districts to offer services. Students may be identified as gifted in the following areas:
Superior Cognitive
Specific Academic Areas:
Visual Arts
Performing Arts
Creative Thinking
Students are whole-group tested using MAP in Reading and Math in grades 2. At the end of grades 2 and 4, students are tested in all areas. If the student arrives in the district without identifying scores, a family may request that tests be administered to the child and the district will complete testing within 90 days. Read our Gifted brochure.
Title I
Title I is a federal education program that supports low income students throughout the nation. Funds are distributed to high poverty schools, as determined by the number of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch.
College & Career Readiness
Goshen Local Schools offers many opportunities to help students be successful beyond school. Whether you are new kindergartner or a Goshen graduate looking for tools and opportunities for your next step in life check out these opportunities offered by Goshen Local Schools. For more information please contact Email Pat Dubbs.
College Courses
Professional Credentials and Certification
College and Career Search
College Shadowing Experiences
Career Experiences (Internships, Job Shadowing, Career Fairs)
Employment Opportunities
Opportunities at Goshen Middle School
Opportunities for 1st-5th Grade
Teacher Academy
Clermont LEAD ready
Our Corporate and Business Partners include:
Lykins Energy Solutions
Clermont Chamber of Commerce
University of Cincinnati Clermont College
Beacon Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine
Drayer Physical Therapy Institute
National Weather Service | Wilmington, Ohio
Lopez Studio Group | Cincinnati, Ohio
Siemens PLM Software
Sportys Pilot Shop
Department of Natural Resources