The Goshen Local School District and Petermann are committed to providing students a safe ride to and from school. Transportation is provided for all Goshen students including alternative transportation to Live Oaks as well as several parochial and private schools in the area.
Your student's bus route
Final Forms is the resource to find your student’s bus number, route and pick up/drop off times. In FinalForms there is a transportation form tha should reflect bus number, and morning and afternoon route times.
2024-25 bus route information will not be accurate until parents have updated Final Forms information.
If your student's pick up and/or drop off information is incorrect please contact transportation at (513) 722-2229. If you have moved and need to update your home address please update your Final Forms information and contact the bus garage directly.
Bus Stop Safety
A student's bus stop is usually at a nearby crossing street or corner although some rural roads in the district require door-to door service.
For safety reasons, buses do not enter cul-de-sacs or dead-end streets except for students with special needs as required by state law or special circumstances that may need Board approval. Students may have to walk up to half a mile to their bus stop.
As always we reserve the right to adjust routes throughout the year.
For specific questions regarding transportation, contact Director of Transportation Dan Harmon at (513) 722-2229.

Transportation outside of Goshen
Live Oaks/Scarlet Oaks/Laurel Oaks
Morning Routes
Bus 18 & 25 pick-up Scarlet and Laurel students throughout the district starting at 6 a.m.
Both buses meet at the corner of 28 and 48 (Family Dollar/ Circle K) at 6:40 a.m.. All students transfer to Bus 18, which takes them to Live Oaks by 6:50 a.m. to catch shuttle buses to Scarlet and Laurel.
All Live Oaks students ride regular routes to GHS and transfer to Bus 22 behind the high school. Bus 22 leaves the high school at 7:25 a.m. and drops at Live Oaks at 7:40 a.m.
Afternoon Routes
Bus 7 picks up students at Live Oaks at dismissal and returns them to GHS to ride their regular routes home.
Bus 25 picks up Scarlet Oaks students at Live Oaks at 3 p.m. and brings them back to ride the SES/M/C routes home.
Bus 22 picks up the Laurel Oaks students at Live Oaks at 3:45 p.m. and takes them home.
Parochial/Non-Public Schools
Goshen Local Schools provides transportation for the following parochial/non-public schools:
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School
St. Andrew's School
St. Columban School
St. Mark's Lutheran School
Village Christian School
Shared Parenting Transportation Form
In order to design our routes we need families with shared parenting that results in a need for alternate transportation to fill out the attached form. Once the form is completed the transportation department will review route changes and communicate the necessary details. Custody paperwork will be required for the shared parenting transportation to be approved.
Emergency Bus Pass
Students are able to request a temporary bus pass for special/emergency situations. To obtain a temporary bus pass, parents must complete an emergency form 24 hours in advance explaining the reason. If approved and space is available, the student will be given a temporary bus pass that will allow them to board the receiving bus. No Pass/No Ride. This is for student safety and will allow us to practice consistent safety regulations