Goshen Local Schools earned 4.5 out of a possible five stars overall on the Ohio School Report cards released Friday, Sept. 15.
Goshen exceeded or significantly exceeded state expectations in all areas of measurement, including graduation rate and achievement. Superintendent Brian Bailey said he was proud of all of the hard work both students and staff put into achieving at a high level.
“The work that goes into providing a high-quality education is vast and continues to expand, and with the Goshen staff and students continuing to shine,” he said. “Our scores and rankings within the county and Tri-State area are impressive and should be celebrated.”
In addition to the overall rating, the Report Card measures five components: Achievement, Progress, Gap Closing, Graduation, and Early Literacy. Goshen earned:
- 5 stars in graduation rate
- 5 stars in gap closing
- 4 stars in achievement
- 4 stars in progress
- 4 stars in early literacy
By building, the overall ratings were:
- Goshen High School - 4.5 stars
- Goshen Middle School - 4.0 stars
- Spaulding Elementary School - 4.5 stars
- Marr/Cook Elementary School - 5.0 stars
The Ohio Department of Education uses test results from Ohio’s State Tests that students in grades 3 through 12 take during the spring. Bailey said his staff also uses this data to help bolster instruction throughout the district.
“We do data dives, short cycle assessments, curriculum pacing discussions, and many other tools to make sure we are supporting students however we can,” he said. “Our staff has spent countless hours in this work and I think with these report card results, those efforts have paid off.”
You can view Goshen’s Ohio School Report Card by following this link: https://reportcard.education.ohio.gov/district/overview/046342
Find more resources for understanding the Ohio School Report Card by following this link: https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Data/Report-Card-Resources.