Mental Health Series
Students and parents are facing mental health challenges every day, and we want to make sure everyone has access to the help they need.
For the '23-'24 school year, Goshen Local Schools has partnered with the Cook Center for Human Connection, and the Clermont County ESC on a series of anonymous virtual meetings where you can get information on a variety of mental health issues.
See the calendar of sessions below.
Sept. 11: Your Child's Anxiety. Register here
Oct. 2: What Parents Need to Know About Suicide Prevention. Register here.
Nov. 6: De-escalating Cycles of Conflict. Register here.
Dec. 4: Compassionate Parenting & Self-compassion. Register here.
Jan. 8: Your Active Child: ADHD. Register here.
Feb. 6: School Avoidance. Register here.
March 6: How to Motivate Your Child. Register here.
Apr. 3: Emotional Reg 1: Recognizing What's Wrong. Register here.
May 1: Emotional Reg 2: Interrupting Negative Emotions. Register here.
June 5: Effects of Screen Time. Register here.
July 10: Establishing Healthy Boundaries. Register here.